Sunday, November 27, 2011

Advent Light

According to church tradition, today is the first day of Advent.  
ADVENT  is defined (Holman Christian Dictionary) as a word with Latin roots, meaning “coming.” Christians of earlier generations spoke of “the advent of our Lord” and of “His second advent.” The first phrase refers to God’s becoming incarnate in Jesus of Nazareth. The latter phrase speaks of Jesus’ second coming. In a second sense “advent” designates a period before Christmas when Christians prepare for the celebration of Jesus’ birth. This practice may have begun in some churches as early as the late fourth century. Advent began as a time of fasting. Sermons focused on the wonder of the Incarnation. By the Middle Ages four Sundays had become the standard length of the Advent season. Since then, Advent has been considered to be the beginning of the church year. 

There are many reasons this time of year is special to me.  First, it signals a new beginning! I don’t know about you but I like the freshness of starting “new”.  Second, I love to read the many scriptures that tell of the coming of the ONE who would save us from ourselves and who loves us so much that He laid down His life ..and best of all is coming back!

For many years I’ve followed a daily devotional from NavPress/Discipleship Journal and will do so again this year.  Today’s scripture is Isaiah 9:2-6 and the questions for thinking on this week are very similar… How much darkness does it take to overcome light and how much light does it take to overcome darkness?

As I consider this, I can’t help but remember that we, as believers are called to be the LIGHT of the world…and that our light can, and will overcome the darkness that is our present day.  I pray that as we hurry and scurry about taking care of all that the Christmas season brings, we shall also let our light SO shine that others will know who we belong to.

If you would like a copy of the devotional I’m talking about please let me know.  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Being Thankful

Ah, gotta love this time of year! I just got mom-in-laws sweet potato pies out of the oven. She's no longer with I've taken on this tradition and feel so privileged to carry on her recipe.       

I have so very much to be thankful for-especially this year! A long term illness kept me away from so many of the people and activities that I love but now, I'm on the mend AND quite a few pounds thinner.  My health is recovering-in fact better than ever and I'm starting to plan for next year already.

I am thankful for ALL who stood by me in prayer as I went through treatment, and most of all, my husband who kept telling me I was getting really skinny, all the while a constant wrinkle of worry on his face.  I'm thankful for my children and grandchildren who pampered me more than I could stand at times -and for my family and friends who prayed me right into being healthy again.

As we get nearer to the end of this year and into the next, please know that I am thankful for ALL of you!