Saturday, July 18, 2009

Gods Providence

I know I've been MIA for a couple of weeks, more on that later.

First I'd like to share about a few things that happened over the last few days. For some time I've had this vision for my website ministry (which has sadly been neglected of late). But like most projects, a vision without direction soon fades. I have been seeking the Lord's direction for some time!

Thursday, I managed to get home before my usual 7PM so dinner was earlier which meant that doing my nightly social network and email reading also began earlier. Mind you, this is highly unusual. I was planning on finally being able to logon for Lifechurch and see the first in the "At the Movies" series at the 6:30p Experience. Just before then, I was going through my FB/Twitter posts and saw Suraj's tweet that LivePrayer was in need of help. Being an LP servant, I quickly logged on to the team sites.During service, I got only four requests, two were from curious or obnoxious folk who didn't say anything and soon closed out but TWO were from wives needing prayer for direction as they were both married to men who have not yet come to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Being wife to one who does not share your faith is a wonderful, trying and very special ministry. My own beloved husband is not just "not yet a believer" but a self-labeled atheist who lovingly makes fun of my "foolishness" and illogical faith. I am blessed in that, at the same time he knows how important my faith and practice is to me. We do have some pretty boisterous "discussions" at times.

So to go on with the story...I have, for some time, been seeking God as to what direction my personal ministry should take...and after the LP session above and a lot of prayer I believe that the focus may be to disciple, pray for, and minister to those who are in simlar circumstances as my own. In other words, to other women like myself who are "unequally yoked" as Paul said in 2 Cor. 6:14. While Paul's context is different than being married to one who isn't a Christian , it is often the connotation in pre-marital pastoral counseling.

Blessedly Peter gives some short sweet advice to those of us who find ourselves in this place (1 Pet. 3:1). The absolute best guidance for us is found in 1 Cor. 7:10-17 --and this is the word that I have followed.

Unfortunately, there will be trials for those of us married to "not yet believers". I married my husband (after widowhood) at a time when I was not walking on the narrow road, but had strayed - think "prodigal daughter" : ). As a result there has been some guilt, and I confess also to some rationalization. After all he IS Jewish. And so, to get to the point--I believe that the Lord is telling me that my primary ministry focus should be to others like me.

My beloved and I have been married for over 11 years now and with his almost militant atheism I have learned a LOT about how to love. As always my hope and daily prayer is that he will someday enter into the lovelight that is Jesus. Until then, I have learned that the best advice is to not preach...but "be Jesus" for him. After all, it's not up to me-but is in God's hands.

So, what do you think? Are you married to one that doesn't yet know our Lord? How often does this come up in your acquaintances? What do you think of the concept?

Where have I been?

My grand-daughters (ages 11 & 7) and niece (14) landed on July 2 and "Grandpa Scott" and I made plans for all kinds of fun stuff. We went to Coney Island and saw Ringling Bros. Circus. We saw a fascinating "Gazillion Bubbles" Show. Rode camels at the Bronx Zoo and visited the SonyWonder Technology Lab. All things that we thought they would enjoy. While I believe that they did, you know what their favorite thing to do was?

"Gramma, can we play on the computer?"
Imagine this: Three young ladies, in NYC-and all they want to do is sit in our small back office/spare room and log on to so they can maneuver into a single virtual room and do stuff! It was a private laugh between my husband and I as we are also geeks and spend a lot of our own free time in front of computers.

They DID enjoy their visit to F.A.O. Schwartz-the hallmark NYC toy Store. As we all went from floor to floor, including the giant piano (from the movie "Big") we thought that, for sure, this was going to be a costly shopping excursion. However, of all the toys, and games and other diversions, they were fascinated most with the "old fashioned" candy--and after $15.00 worth of sweets, we left.

I loved watching the girls play together, and was secretly pleased that they enjoyed computers (like their grandma/aunt) but the greatest pleasure for me was seeing things through their eyes. As Jesus said, we must have faith and be as "the little ones"(Mark 10:15)

On Sunday July 12, we went to the "unveiling" of my beloved friend (and mother in law). In Jewish tradition a year after one is laid to rest, their monument is blessed and "unveiled". I was pleased to read "The Excellent Wife" from Proverbs 31:10-31 in her honor. I miss my friend.

Of course, last week was playing catch up at work. The down side of taking time off is that the work missed is waiting.

Abiding Ways website progress

With all that has gone on, there was no work done for the last couple of weeks on the teaching ministries. I am so far behind!!! I am inclined to believe and trust that all things happen for a reason and have shed the guilt inherent in missing deadlines as a project manager and just trust the Lord.

I have given a lot of thought to the teaching and classes that I want to offer, as well as features and needs etc. So, the weekend is putting it "out there", including something especially for the focus ministry for the "spiritually single".

As things happen, I hope and pray also for volunteers. Especially ladies out there.

Life in general

God is good therefore my life is good! My personal studies are taking me to new places as well as revisiting "what I know". I am paying much more attention lately to Scripture memorization. I am learning more about Jesus! Drawing nearer to Him everyday. It sounds a bit funny especially as I've been a Christian for almost 30 years. One thing that I find myself doing more of is just trusting God, even and especially with the little things of daily life. Everything of late just seems to be going better. It's hard to explain but it just is!

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